Sunday, April 17, 2016

Hello Crew: 12 Months Old

12 months! 1 YEAR! 
AH time is a crazy crazy thing. 

19.5 pounds
28.25 inches long

  • Loves to put hats on his head and then take them off and put them back on again. He then loves it when I put the hat on and he can take it off again. 
  • Loves to climb in the mesh laundry basket. It's hilarious. He gets stuck in it and gets mad and then has to figure out how to get out. But then he goes back in. 
  • Drooling. a lot. He has been drooling a lot lately. I finally made him some bandana bibs to help with it. 
  • Being able to pull things out of the fridge and climbing in the dishwasher. He gets so excited when we open either one and crawls as quickly as possible to it to try and get inside. 

Least Favorites:
  • When we have food and we don't give it to him. Usually he gets mad if he doesn't get what he wants, like food, the remote, our phones, climbing in the fridge or the dishwasher, pulling everything out of the drawers, climbing on Zoii...that kind of thing. 

Still the same. We are trying to find a time to start sleep training.. but man there are so many factors that go into it.

Will eat or at least wants to eat whatever we are eating. Whenever I sit down with food he comes right over and begs for some. He is almost like a little bird asking for food. haha its adorable. 
He is starting to figure out a straw. Well sometimes he will drink from it and other times he won't. He doesn't drink a ton but we are just happy he is starting to drink from something! He will drink from a normal cup when we hold it so we do that sometimes.
He loves to play catch with us. We just sit on the ground and toss it back and forth. Sometimes he tosses it and sometimes he just hands it to us.

During Crew's 12th month...
  • We attended the Provo City Center open house.. three times actually. and every time it was WONDERFUL! That building is so amazing. Every detail is stunning and you can feel the spirit so strongly there. I loved being able to go a few times. Crew did great every time. He loved the people watching.
  • We got Pho one day and gave Crew some noodles and he slurped them right up. It was adorable. And yea I probably think that because I'm his mom but we thought it was the funniest thing and I loved it! 
We LOVE our little one year old so so so so much. I am so glad he is ours for forever.