Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hello Baby: Week 34

How far along: 34 weeks! Getting so close. 
Gender: BOY!!
Weight gain: I think I am around 18-20 lbs.  
Maternity clothes: Yes and no.. ha I have been wearing lots of leggings and t-shirts/ any loose shirts I have. I haven't bought any real maternity shirts but I did get some maternity pants that always want to fall down. (Does that mean my butt is too small? because my hips are definitely big enough.) I also got a simple grey dress that is maternity. It is really comfy and will be nice even after baby comes. 
Stretch marks: Yup. I'm a zebra. let's just laugh about it. haha
Belly button in or out: Innie. I'm wondering if it will pop before he comes.  
Sleep: It's getting rough. Lots of tossing and turning, trying to get comfy, especially in the early hours of the morning. My legs get so restless, they wake me up in the morning and are usually the reason I get out of bed. I have to go walk around, eat breakfast, and then a few times I have just gone back to bed. Especially this week because I have a cold. 
Best moment this week: Since I haven't posted in a month I will say Christmas vacation was the best. It was a lot of fun being in California. We went and saw Wicked at the Pantages Theater. I LOVED it. I love seeing plays and this one did not disappoint! It was magical. The lady who played the wicked witch had an incredible voice! and the lady who played Glenda was hilarious. It was definitely a highlight of the trip! Christmas day was so nice, spending time with family and getting and giving gifts. I love when we find a good gift and give it to someone and get to see their reaction. 
Miss anything: Not aching so much. Although my sciatic pain isn't happening as much, I have had some hip and leg pain. I feel like my hips are expanding, getting ready for labor! AH it's a weird feeling but makes me feel ready for baby to come. I also have a ton of pelvic pressure which is equally as weird. 
Movement: Lots and lots of movement. He is right up in my ribs and I feel him move to the side then the front then to the other side and back again. Sitting definitely makes it more prominent. It is pretty crazy feeling and watching him move. Usually around midnight and whenever I wake up to go to the bathroom he starts moving a lot. He definitely has his days and nights mixed up already. Oh boy. we will have to work on that.  
Cravings: Chocolate, sometimes pizza, and smoothies but that might be more for the smooth creamy and cold feeling it has. I feel like I am also wanting more fruits and veggies too. I am wanting a salad more often which NEVER happens! Crazy. 
Queasy or sick: Still acid reflux, headaches, and achy all over it seems. I have had a cold the past few days. It has made me not productive at all. But it is nice that I can just rest up and try to get over it as quickly as possible. 
Looking forward to: Getting over my cold! Ha I feel like I will then want to get more done. I want to start making all my projects for baby and getting all of his stuff put together! I feel like he is coming so soon but I also feel like it is far away. I think once February hits I will really feel like it is soon, and it will be!  
The bump and a puppy. 

We went to a Clipper game while in California. 
I love basketball.

31 Weeks!

32 Weeks! 

We were traveling week 33, and I am sick week 34 
so I thought it was the perfect time to do a silhouette picture. 

Ryder got to meet Santa Clause! 

This is how we spent our New Years Eve. It was perfect. 

I can't believe it is already 2015. I can't believe that baby will be here so soon. But I can't wait to meet him. This is going to be a year full of change. I can't wait to see all that it brings. 


p.s- I think a good resolution for me is to take more meaningful and creative pictures. I know with baby I will be taking a ton more photos but I would like to take more of just everything around me, life, the everyday things. 

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