Right now he is 7 1/2 months old but for this post I'm going to talk about months 6 &7
15.8 pounds
27.25 inches long
At 7 months I never took the stats. woopsies.
We think he is around 17.2 pounds
Right now he is 7 1/2 months old but for this post I'm going to talk about months 6 &7
At 6 months:15.8 pounds
27.25 inches long
At 7 months I never took the stats. woopsies.
We think he is around 17.2 pounds
- He learned to sit up all on his own (we are still cautious of him falling over but by month 7 he is doing great!) and he loves it. I think he loves having a new view and sitting up like a big kid!
- He started to scoot around. He pulls himself with his right arm and pushes off on his big toes. It is so cute. He also loves that he can now move and go wherever he pleases. Now we have to watch him like a hawk!
- We have started feeding him food, real food and baby food. We have done a mixed of feeding him with a spoon and baby led weaning. He is loving food. Especially bananas and avocados. It has been fun introducing him to new foods and showing him all the good stuff that is out there. He loves mashing everything in his hands and trying to feed himself. He is such an independent little boy.
- He is very ticklish. Rubbing his legs lightly or his back makes him start laughing and it is the cutest thing! I love making him laugh.
- Loves spending time with family! He loves his cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles!
Least Favorites:
- Only naps in moms arms. He gets really mad and wakes up and screams until you pick him up. It has been rough but at the same time I try to enjoy it because I know he will grow out of it and won't be my cute cuddly boy anymore.
- Has a little separation anxiety every once in a while when I leave the room. Some times he does great but other times he gets really sad.
- He is getting two teeth in (just started seeing them on October 1st). Overall he is doing great with it. I have seen a little pulling of his ears but he is still so happy! It is the bottom front teeth.
He hasn't been sleeping too long. We are working on getting him to sleep longer at night. Sleep training here we come! Wish us luck!
Naps are also a little iffy as well. The first nap of the day he will sleep in the crib but other naps he won't so we are going to work on that once we get nights down.
Like I said above he is loving food. Still nursing and still loving that, I feel like he could/will do this for as long as possible! But he is also eating food and loving that.
Scooting around everywhere. Loves to crawl to try and get Zoii's food and water bowl. He loves playing with anything that makes noise and loves to feel all different textures. His hand is always going in and out feeling different textures.
Crew went to his first BYU game. It was in California against UCLA. It was a little late at night so he wasn't too into the game. Haha, we will try again when its a little earlier in the day.
This beautiful little boy is the light of our life. I love him so much and would do anything for him. He is so happy and just an overall great kid.
In month 6 and 7...
attended dad's graduation
spent lots of time with family
moved to Utah
spent most of September traveling
attended Uncle Stacey's funeral
Went to California for the first time.
I love you more than you will ever know little boo.
love, mama