Monday, December 3, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

All weekend I was thinking oh I should blog about Thanksgiving and what not but I kept thinking ah no I'm not in the mood yet.. Well here it is Monday and I should be doing all my lovely homework and studying and what does my mind say, LET'S BLOG! yippie. SO I gave into my mind and decided okay lets procrastinate a little more and blog.

Guys, Thanksgiving was great. It was relaxing but crazy and fun. We played, maybe a little too hard, cough andrew cough, but it was great and hard to come back but at the same time I was excited to come back and finish the semester because then it is CHRISTMAS! Oh happppy day.

Well this year we went to St. George for Thanksgiving. Andrew's family was there. There was his parents and brother, Aaron and two of his Aunts and their husbands, then 2 cousins and their spouses and four second cousins. did i get that right... ha oh well. Lets just say it was fun to have a variety of people and different ages around. Usually the youngest person around is Aaron who is 17 but this time there was two younger boys and I think they added a little spice to the group. I feel that they kept us on our toes!

Do you guys know about geocashing? well one of the boys loves it and was telling us all about it one night and Andrew was getting pretty interested... well I will admit so was I. It is such an interesting concept. So the next day we went and found one and then another and that totally hooked Andrew. I think it is so cool that you can find them all over the world! And if you don't know what it is.. talk to andrew or do a little research :)

While we were there we did a little shopping, went on many motorcycle rides, played with our niece Haizlee, watched movies, played basketball, went and explored where our cousin Katie works aka the ambulance.. place, hiked in Zion, got a sweet deal on movies at BlackFriday, and ATE a lot! great great great :)

I am so thankful for this amazing life that I am living. When I take a step back and really see the amazing opportunities and experiences that I have had and that I am having, I can't help but think wow this is a great life.
I am grateful for the wonderful husband that I have and the life we have built together in the past two years. I can't believe where it has taken us and I can't wait to see where and what happens next.
I am grateful for a healthy body. I feel that with all my experiences with health, I can't seem to express enough, how amazing our bodies are and how extremely grateful I am that I am a healthy(okay to an extent) person. I think that with being grateful for Heavenly Father for this body, I have a responsibility to take care of it and do all that I can to keep it healthy and make it even better!
I am grateful for education. For schools, books, and the ability to learn. There are so many wonderful things in this world and I love learning about them. I am grateful I have the opportunity to go to such an incredible university and learn from these intelligent professors.
I am grateful for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It has made me who I am today and shaped my life to be the wonderful thing that it is. I am grateful that I know that Jesus Christ lives, that he loves me, and that he died for me so that I can return to live with my Heavenly Father again. I am grateful that I was married in a place and with the authority so that Andrew and I can be together for eternity. I am grateful for the missionaries who sacrifice two years of their lives to share this gospel. Especially for my little brother.
I am grateful for a a wonderful, loving family who supports me and loves me.
I am grateful for this time of year. For the love, humility, and service it brings.

I could go on and on but I need to stop somewhere.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. And a wonderful week.


  1. Alex, you are one incredible young lady and Andrew is VERY fortunate to have found such a positive, upbeat, loving, grateful woman as you. I love having you in the family. You are such a postive influence to us all.

  2. P.S. Andrew I love having you as a nephew too! Alex is blessed to have found you.
