Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Loving

I decided to start a trend. I loooove looking at blogs and I love the creativeness of them all. I have participated in Awkward and Awesome thursday, which was just great and I should probably do it again cause it is just great to write down all of the awesome things that happen each week and laugh at the awkwards. SOOOO end of the long story, I am doing Sunday Loving. (I just started singing summer loving from grease in my head...bah) Every Sunday, as long as i don't forget, I will write about something I love or we love. It can be ANYTHING. maybe something that happened that week. something we have seen, done, ate, anything. and YOU can join in too! maybe if this gets cool enough I will make one of those button things for it. If you know what I am talking about great and if not.. well don't feel bad, I'm turning into a blogging freak.

To start my new trend off I neeeed to tell you all about this show that Andrew and I first found on netflix and now have to watch on Hulu because we caught up WAY too quickly. We have fallen in LOVE with this show. one word.


This is the cast. This is also the family that it is all about. The siblings are all grown up and have their own families but they all still live near each other in northern California. 
I think we like it so much because it is just everyday life and troubles that a lot of people go through. Andrew and I love to discuss what we would do if we were in those situations. We have had some great discussions come of it and in a way I think it helps us see how we will handle parenthood and how we will handle difficult situations. 

Isn't this such a cute advertisement??
it doesn't hurt that Lauren Graham is in this show too. I love her. Don't even get me started talking about how much I LOVE Gilmore Girls. 
One thing we have noticed about this show is how much of a difference it makes knowing we have the gospel in our life and how different we will handle those situations because of that. 
Go check this show out. its normalish life acted out. Whats better? oh yea reality shows..ha

So what is your Sunday Loving? 

PS. I feel like I should leave you with a couple pictures from a trip we took to Utah and then a drive up to Sundance. It was beautiful and I fell in love with the gift shop they have. perfection. 

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