- Running to the bathroom and right as I walk through the door my phone rings. I have to answer it but man do I gotta go!
- Super Bowl Sunday. Looking in the mirror at half time and realizing I have barbecue sauce from the wings on my cheek. I ate them at the start of the game. Therefore it has been there for....a long while.
- Getting hit on by a creepy guy, wishing my husband would hurry up and get out of the locker room, flashing my wedding ring at him but him not noticing.
- Running into someone I only kind of know or just haven't talked to in forever. Do I say hello? And if so what do I talk to them about? Or do I just keep on walking? I feel like that makes me anti social.
- Going to devotional and feeling like the guys in front of you are gay. no judging here. just awkward
- Trying to find a seat at devotional. Asking if the seats are taking and getting a rude/mean yes. Well excuse me for trying to sit by you!
- Being the only one at zumba with my hair down and with out a friend.. yea it doesn't sound awkward but I felt like EVERYONE was just looking at me thinking what in the heck is she doing.
- Loosing, well lets say misplacing your husbands drivers license... woopsies.
- Watching the Mr. play basketball and having the ball come flying at me, almost killing me, and making the weirdest face ever...
- This may not be awkward but I hate it. Always having a coat and being cold so it never really matters what I wear underneath.
-Participating in awkward & awesome thursdays.
- Having my puppy FINALLY be nice and cuddling with me :)
- Feeling so accomplished by finishing my apron
- Thinking of creative ways to make my outfits look cuter. downside I have no where to go in them.
- Being more outgoing.
- Winning the final round of battleship
- Having time to read as much as I want.
- A clean kitchen, however I never know what to make for dinner..
- Going to St. George next weekend. It can't come quick enough. one word. Warmer.
- Having the temple a mile away from my house :)
- Going out to dinner and learning we don't have to pay for it
- Two movie tickets, Large popcorn, 2 Drinks, free refills all for a beautiful price of $10
- When my husband talks in cartoon voices. I can't help but smile
Man life is just awesome isn't it.
I mean there are always going to be things to worry about but why worry.
It won't get you anywhere.
I need to remember this.
I LOOOVE being a Mrs.
Basketball is awesome
Listen to these two sing = awesome
He is becoming a cuddler = AWESOME
And I will leave you with this old but awesome picture.
The beginning of mr. and mrs.
Have an awesome day
Love, Alex & Andrew
Glad to see the puppy training is going good! Has he found any of your shoes to chew on yet! Im thinking he would love those pink ones you have :-D he he he! LOVE YOU!